Traders are usually looking for certainty in an uncertain environment. You are, you would certainly like to invest or trade and be convinced that you will always win, but it seems almost impossible. However, you can make use of backtesting to trade with more confidence. What is backtesting; and how can you use it to increase your profits in trading? Read on to learn more.
What is backtesting?
Backtesting is the process of applying a strategy or predictive model to historical data to determine its accuracy. Visit to learn more about backtesting. You can use it to test and compare the accessibility of trading strategies.
It is not easy to become a master trader, but with the backtesting software it is quite possible. Note that there are enough people who would like to join the ranks of master traders and earn the maximum amount of money that is equivalent to this title.
What are the requirements for a backtest?
The backtest, as in any other simulation, will be as useful as it will be realistic. To this end, there are certain conditions that must be met. First, the historical information must be established with the smallest possible time interval between each data item. This is the first and most important requirement. Therefore, it should not be neglected if you want to have satisfactory results.
Secondly, the sum of the transactions must be taken into account. This includes spreads, swaps in case positions are held for several days, etc. The execution of orders must also be as realistic as possible. The strategy must be focused exclusively on past data and will not make use of data in the future. Finally, the backtest must be carried out on various market phases involving as many configurations as possible.
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